A downloadable zine

One page, eightfold zine meant to act as an amulet in line with Jewish mystical traditions. With the synthesis of ethics, textual study (Pirkei Avot) and the invocation of sacred nomina - that of Hashem and the angels - is meant to inspire direct action and hereness in Jewish Anarchists. The 'shem' box (name box) is a place for one to write their own name upon the paper, completing the ritual circuitry and allowing for the emanation of ethics into action. Ideally!

The State will not save us. Only we will save us. 

This piece of art is free to share, craft and distribute. It's also a gift to all the Anarchists that have helped me on the path to healing the phantom pain that is my relationship with Judaism. My broken heart has never felt more whole, davening with outcasts than trying to fit in at home.

Included is a separate document that I cheekily call a "works cited". In it I break down the sources I used to inspire this art piece, the names and domains of the memunim I invoke and where to find the sources for your own study.
Virtually everything is plundered, and everything is free~

לכן, האפרטהייד חייב להסתיים

Therefore, apartheid must end.



Amulet-for-JewishAnarchy.pdf 592 kB
Mystical “Works Cited” - Amulet for Anarchy.pdf 77 kB

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